About Us
GoSource makes exciting innovative digital products, working with modern technologies, pioneering experimental stacks and deploying future-focused design thinking tools. We deliver value packed outcomes for our partners and clients. As early adopters of agile in government projects we’re driven by a desire to have positive impact through people centered services.
Our people are at the heart of what we do. We find passionate people who are curious, love to solve problems and collaborate in teams. We nurture talent by investing in our people and teaming them up into powerhouse multidisciplinary scrums.
An agile native company
GoSource champions best practice agile across all its projects and we are experts in the Australian Federal Government Digital Service Standard. The agile methodology is a way to manage a project by delivering work in smaller increments – rather than one ‘big bang’. It involves constant collaboration with stakeholders and continuous improvement at every stage to maximise value.
We share prototypes continuously to refine and evolve solutions in response to testing and feedback. We regularly inspect our ways of working and adapt to the needs of the project, making our teams flexible and accountable to our users' needs.
We have deep experience in formal agile methods; but we are not dogmatic. We are practical agilists - always striving to deliver value and apply best practice but meet customers where they are at in their agile journey. On every project we look for effective ways to drive outcomes in harmony with client systems and processes.
Our agile principles
Outcomes focused: delivering working software, useful digital products and thoughtful, user-centred service design
Pragmatic: being smart about how we break up large projects into smaller chunks of work
Iterative: good products come from testing, learning, and iterating
Value centric: delivering value early and often
Evidence-based: using research and data to make informed decisions
Our company values
Pragmatic agile
We focus on always delivering value
We embrace opportunities to learn and improve
We are adventurous, curious and brave
We include, value and trust each other
We honour our commitments to those we serve
We enable positive change
Ways of working
GoSource grows, nurtures and supports its people with our people management. When you work at GoSource, we work with the whole of you. Hubs and Guilds work together to ensure you're placed on interesting projects, developing your skills and engage and interact with other skilled professionals.
You will be part of:
- A hub – your work division
- One guild – your work practice area
Hubs take care of people and ensure their time is well utilised. Your hub is your home team, and your Hub Manager is not only your line manager, but your biggest fan. Your Hub Manager looks out for your day-to-day needs and makes sure you are on interesting projects.
Guilds are about capability and quality. They help people develop their talents so that GoSource can be our best in each technical field. They are a space for people to help each other develop professionally and collaborate so people can do their best work. Your Guild Manager is your practice guide, they help you grow as a professional and maximise the skills of your practice group.
Our five Guilds are:
- Software Engineering
- Account Management
- Human Centered Design
- Product Delivery
- DevSecOps

Multidisciplinary teams
At GoSource, when it’s time to build, design, deliver, you’ll be grouped into a Product team. Product teams are multidisciplinary scrum teams that focus on clients complex problems, software design challenges, and innovative technical and architectural puzzles.
GoSource draws together people from across disciplines to make dream teams. Over the life of a project teams fluctuate in size but always have a core group who work together to research, build and improve the product or service.
Our product multidisciplinary skills have a broad mix of technical, design and delivery skills. We have just the right amount of people and resources to get the job done.

T-shaped organisation
At GoSource we are all about T-shaped people. These are people who have a specific area of expertise but also have a breadth of knowledge across digital transformation.
Our people are passionate experts, who bring excellent knowledge and skills. They are open-minded, know the whole story of a project, are not afraid to fill a gap or try out something new.
Teams at GoSource are flexible and resilient, who have or are willing to acquire T-shaped skills. Teams are good at solving work bottlenecks because T-shaped skills enable swarming around a challenge.